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[外國人眼中看中國] ZT翻译 中国缴获的第一架零食战机

发表于 2010-1-2 20:34:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
原文标题:  War Prize: The Capture Of The First Japanese Zero Fighter In 1941
作者:James F. Lansdale



It has long been believed that the first example of Japan’s vaunted Mitsubishi A6M2 Type Zero carrier fighter to be captured by the Allies in World War II was the one the United States Navy salvaged from an Aleutian island (Akutan)in July of 1942. However, interviews with surviving witnesses and the discovery of pertinent documents in the national and military archives of the United States, Japan, and the Peoples Republic of China have confirmed that the recovery of the very first intact Zero fighter occurred prior to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour! The following account traces the events leading to the acquisition of the first Japanese Zero by the Chinese government on 26 November 1941 and its subsequent history.



It was obvious that they were lost! Low lying fog made it impossible for the two Japanese naval pilots to make out any of the coastal features below them. Only a few hours earlier, they had taken off in their Mitsubishi A6M2 Type Zero carrier fighters from Tainan air base on Taiwan bound for Saigon. En route they had become separated from and lost sight of the rest of their formation. Now, nothing below was clear. Short on fuel and unable to communicate because the radios had been removed to increase the flying range of their fighters, the two pilots continued to fly their last compass bearing. Then, good fortune appeared to smile on them as the clouds parted and a broad expanse of beach adjacent to a town welcomed them. The two pilots circled and prepared to land.

他们迷途是非常显而易见的。低空大雾使得这两名日本海军飞行员根本无法分辨出他们下方的任何海岸地貌。仅仅几个小时前,他们驾驶着三菱A6M2‘零’式舰载战斗机才从位于T灣的台南空军基地起飞,目标西贡( Phalanx注:也就是现在越南的胡志明市)。途中他们与大编队分散并且失去了目力观察。现在底下的一切都看不清楚。燃料以不多,又由于为了增加战机航程而拆掉了无线电因此拥有无法联络的困难,两名飞行员只得按着最后一次的罗盘方位继续飞行。 就在这个时候,好运似乎开始向他们微笑。云雾开始消散,在一座小镇旁的一片宽阔的沙滩在欢迎着他们。两名飞行员开始盘旋准备降落。

Mitsubishi A6M2 Type Zero carrier fighter. This is a view of V-172 as it would have looked shortly before take off on its fateful flight of 26 November 1941.  (Photo simulation by Don Marsh)

三菱A6M2‘零’式舰载战斗机。这个应该是V-172 在1941年11月26日开始那次致命性飞行起飞前不久的样子。(照片是由Don Marsh模拟)
In November 1941, the military forces of Imperial Japan were completing plans to launch the most complex operation in their history. Three units of the carrier forces would neutralize the American Navy at Pearl Harbour, while land-based air units would support Japanese operations on the Philippine Islands and the capture of other resource-rich areas on the Malayan Peninsula and in the Netherlands East Indies. Attacks against the British forces in Burma and Malaya were to be supported by bomber units of the 22 Koku Sentai (Air Flotilla) which consisted of the Genzan and Mihoro Kaigun Kokutai (Naval Air Groups). A detachment of Mitsubishi G4M1 Betty bombers from the Kanoya Kokutai had been added to the force for good measure. However, the 22nd Air Flotilla had no resident fighter units for escort and other tactical missions. On 22 November, the 22 Koku Sentai Shireibu Fuzoku Sentokitai (22nd Air Flotilla Headquarters Attached Fighter Unit), a special fighter detachment, was formed to fulfil this role.

The 22nd Air Flotilla Fighter Unit was composed of elements drawn from the fighter air groups of the 23rd Air Flotilla, the Tainan and 3 Kaigun Kokutai. Tainan Kokutai provided fourteen Mitsubishi A6M2 Type Zero carrier fighters, four Mitsubishi A5M4 Type 96 carrier fighters (“Claude”), and three Mitsubishi C5M1 Type 98 reconnaissance planes (“Babs”), under the command of Lt. Kikuichi Inano. The 3 Kokutai contributed thirteen Zeros, five Claudes, and three “Babs” under the command of Lt. Tadatsune Tokaji. Three additional Claude fighters were added to the unit from the reserve force giving it a grand total of twenty seven Type Zero plus twelve Claude fighters, as well as six Babs reconnaissance aircraft. All were under the overall command of Commander Yutaka Yamada, executive officer from the Takao Kaigun Kokutai.

1941年11月,大日本帝国军部正在完善一项他们有史以来最复杂的军事行动计划。 三个航母舰队将消灭珍珠港内的美国海军。与此同时,陆基航空队将支援日本在菲律宾群岛的行动以及夺取马来半岛和荷属东印度群岛拥有丰富资源的地区。对驻缅甸和马来亚英军的进攻则由第22航空战队下辖的由元山和美幌海军航空队编成的轰炸机部队进行支援。另外还从鹿屋航空队分遣来一批三菱G4M1轰炸机作为增援。但是第22航空战队并没有常驻的战斗机部队以用作护航和其他战术行动。因此在11月22日,第22航空战队司令部附属战斗机队,一个特殊的专门用于执行这些任务的战斗机特遣部队成立


The Tainan Kokutai complement to the 22nd Air Flotilla fighter unit made ready to depart their Tainan, Taiwan (Formosa) air base on 26 November 1941. They were bound for air bases in the Saigon, French Indochina area but were scheduled to stop for refueling on Hainan Island. Tainan Kokutai records were examined and interviews of surviving veterans were conducted by Japanese historian Juzo Nakamura. According to this source, the Tainan Kokutai buntaicho (squad leader), Lt Inano, accompanied the fighter unit C.O., Commander Yamada, and the unit air officer, Lt. Commander Shigehachiro Koro, in a transport plane bound for Saigon ahead of the main group. Flying Petty Officer First Class (PO1C) Shimezoh Inoue, a native of Fukoka Prefecture, as confirmed by Tainan Kokutai pilot and renowned ace Saburo Sakai, was scheduled to fly Lt. Inano’s Zero, serial number 3372 and marked V-172. Accompanying PO1C Inoue would be Flying Petty Officer Second Class (PO2C) Taka-aki Shimohigashi, a native of Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture, as confirmed by his younger brother, Shigefumi. PO2C Shimohigashi would be flying his own assigned Zero, serial number unknown and marked V-174. In the predawn hours of 26 November, both pilots took off with the rest of their unit. They were scheduled to fly a southwesterly course to Hainan Island, but along the way they became separated from the main unit.

台南航空队分调给第22航空战队司令部附属战斗机部队的单位于1941年11月26日做好了飞离他们在台南空军基地的准备。他们的目标将是飞往位于法属印度支 那( Phalanx注:今越南 ) 的西贡空军基地。但是按照计画必须要在海南岛降落加油。日本历史学家中村十三仔细研究分析了台南航空队的档案以及对幸存下来的老兵进行了采访。根据这些资料来源可以得知,台南航空队分队长稻野中尉陪同战斗机部队指挥官山田中佐以及部队飞行官古吕重八郎少佐在大部队之前先行搭运输机飞往了西贡。台南航空队飞行员同时也是很有名望的击坠王坂井三郎证实,按计画稻野中尉的编号为‘V-172’,机体制.造番号 ‘3372’的‘零’式座机将由福冈县出生的井上七五三造一等空曹驾驶。担当井上一等空曹僚机的是广岛县吴市出生的下东孝明二等空曹。这一点由下东孝明的弟弟下东重文证实。下东二等空曹则是驾驶自己的编号为‘V-174’,机体制.造番号不明的座机。在11月26日的黎明,两名飞行员与分队的其他成员一起起飞。按计划沿西南方向飞往海南岛,但在途中他们与主编队失散。


No one is certain how the two pilots made it to Leichou Pantao (also known as Leizhou or Luichow Peninsula). The radio equipment had been removed from the two Zeros in order to increase their operational range. The two pilots undoubtedly became disoriented while flying over the prevalent fog of the area and their plight was compounded by their inability to communicate. Noted Japanese historian and humanitarian, Dr. Minoru Akimoto, interviewed Akagi carrier dive-bomber pilot Tokuji Iizuka. Iizuka-san, a veteran of the Pearl Harbour attack, was later stationed on Hainan Island. Iizuka-san observed that, “The airspace over Leichou was wicked, with layers and layers of dense fog and many planes had been lost in this fog after running out of fuel.”

没有人十分清楚这两个飞行员是如何到达雷州半岛的。先前为了增加零战的航程,这两架零战拆除了机上的无线电设施。这两名飞行员毫无疑问地在飞越该地区常有的浓雾时失去了方向感,同时无法通讯的困境进一步给他们增加了困难。战后,著名的日本历史学家和人道Z義者 秋元穣博士 采访了曾参加过珍珠港攻击,后被调往海南岛驻防的原 ‘赤城’ 号俯冲轰炸机飞行员饭冢徳治。据饭冢君回忆‘雷州的领空十分恶劣,一层接着一层的浓雾。很多飞机都在燃料用完的情况下葬身在了这里的大雾里’

According to the famed post-war General Electric engineer and former 23rd Fighter Group lead mechanic, Gerhard Neumann, the two pilots had landed on the “beach opposite Hainan” Island. American ace Bruce K. Holloway, ex 23rd Fighter Group commander, confirmed that the two Zeros had been captured “near the town of Teitsan on the southeastern coast of Luichow Peninsula.” Dr. Kawamoto explained that on “post war maps the town’s name is spelled ‘Qian Shan’ in Mandarin Chinese, while ‘Teitsan’ is (the) local Cantonese dialect, same Chinese characters but pronounced differently.”
Attempts to absolutely confirm the fate of the two Japanese naval pilots after their capture in 1941 at Qian Shan have been thwarted. Dr. Kawamoto stated that the Government Travel Agency in Beijing had informed him that this “area was off limits to outsiders, including foreigners.” Dr. Kawamoto’s search of the Peoples Republic of China archives in Beijing for records of captured Japanese military personnel failed to reveal pertinent information. However, archival records in Japan and the United States, correspondence with historian Juzo Nakamura, and interviews with Gerhard Neumann, Bruce Holloway, and American ace John R. Alison, have produced evidence and a plausible scenario of the events leading to the capture and fate of the two pilots and their aircraft.

As PO1C Inoue and PO2C Shimohigashi passed over the coast near Qian Shan on the southeastern coast of Leichou Panto, the fog cleared, and both brought their aircraft down. Inoue was successful, but Shimohigashi’s Zero fighter was extensively damaged during the beach landing.

根据战后出名的 通用电器公司工程师同时也是之前第23战斗机大队的首席机械师,Gerhard Neumann回忆,那两名日军飞行员降落在了‘海南岛对面的沙滩上’。美军王牌同时也是之前任第23战斗机大队指挥官的Bruce K. Holloway也证实那两名‘零’战飞行员是在‘雷州半岛东南海岸的Teitsan附近’被抓获的。川本博士解释到‘在战后该镇名字的英文拼法是用的普通话发音Qian Shan ( Phalanx注:今广东省前山镇)  ’ ‘Teitsan’是(前山)在当地粤语方言的法音,同样的汉字但是不同的发音。

完全证实这两名日本海军飞行员于1941年在前山镇被捕获之后的下落的企图受到了阻碍。川本博士说,在北京的国家旅游局(?)告诉他‘这个地区对外界是不开放的,包括外国人’ 川本博士在北京的中华人民共和国档案库搜索日方被俘虏人员的资料也没有发现任何相关的信息。但是,日本和美国的资料档案,与历史学家中村十三的通信以及对Gerhard Neumann, Bruce Holloway和另一名美军王牌John R. Alison的采访已获得有力的证据来勾画出一幅可信的情节来解释这两架飞机和飞行员是如何被俘虏的,以及他们最后的结局。


Shimohigashi’s Zero fighter (V-174) was extensively damaged during the beach landing.” This photograph depicts the very likely scene on the beach near the town of Qian Shan (Teitsan) on the southeaster coast of Leichou Peninsula.

下东的‘零’战(V-174)在沙滩迫降是遭到了严重的破坏. 这张照片所描绘的场景与在雷州半岛东南沿海的前山镇附近的海滩所发生的很有可能十分相像。

According to Alison

“Two Japanese pilots were on patrol” and one “made a forced landing (but his) airplane wasn’t damaged.” Alison continued: “There was no clearly defined frontline in China. The Japanese moved in and out almost at will, but there was no way that they could occupy and control a vast amount of territory. These Japanese pilots thought they were over territory which the Japanese controlled. The second airplane landed alongside the first. The pilots got out, and they asked to be taken to a telephone (sic) so they could telephone back to base. As I understand it, there were some school children there, and one of the school kids said, ‘Come on up to the school, and we have a telephone that you can use.’ So they led the Japanese pilots up to this schoolhouse, and they captured them.”

Exactly what happened next is not known and the fate of the two Japanese pilots may forever remain a mystery. It is very likely that the local Chinese military force, recognizing the importance of their prize and wishing to maintain secrecy, may have summarily executed the two flyers. Then the Chinese military detachment and/or local villagers pulled the Zero, serial number 3372, off the beach. According to Holloway, the second and more badly damaged Zero was crudely hacked into sections and removed piecemeal from the beach. It would have been important for the Chinese to remove the planes from view as quickly as possible to prevent the Japanese from knowing about the capture of the two Zeros.


‘两名日本飞行员在天空中徘徊’接着,‘其中的一架迫降(但他的)飞机没有损坏。’ Alison接着说:‘在中国战区没有一个明确规定的前线。日本人虽然几乎是出入行动自由。但是他们根本无法完全占领并控制如此巨大的一片领土。这两个日军飞行员以为自己迫降到了日本的控制区内。第二架飞机迫降在了第一架飞机旁。两名驾驶员从飞机中爬出来后,他们要求带他们到一个有电话的地方(原文如此),这样他们就可以给基地打电话回去。据我了解,当时有几名学校的学生在那里,其中一名学生说‘到我们学校来吧,那里有一部电话你们可以使用。’然后就领着两名日军飞行员来到了一间校舍,并在那里抓获了他们。’
这之后确切地发生了什么没有人知道。这两名日本飞行员的结局或许永远都是一个谜。非常有可能是当地的中国部队意识到了他们所俘获的‘战利品’的重要性。为了保密起见,立刻草率的处决了这两名飞行员。接着这支中国军队的小分队以及/或当地居民将机体制.造番号为 ‘3372’的‘零’战( Phalanx注:井上一等空曹座机。有些资料根据垂尾上的V-172编号说当时坠机的是稻野中尉是不正确的说法。)拖离了海岸。据Alison所说,第二架,也就是那架损坏相对严重的‘零’战( Phalanx注:下东二等空曹座机)被被粗鲁地切割成段,一件件的运离海滩。对于中国方面来说将飞机尽可能快速地从视线中移除是很重要的,以免日军获知有两架零战遭掳获的消息。


Alison recounted:

“I was told the Chinese farmers, particularly in that part of China, didn’t have newspapers to read, and they weren’t quite sure that these were the enemy. As soon as they found out, before the soldiers got there, they actually destroyed one of the aircraft. The other one (V-172) was carefully taken apart and carried some way up into the mountains. I don’t know whether they carried it in oxcarts or coolie carts.”

It took months to transport the two Zero war prizes under the noses of the Japanese army units from the Leichou coast to the inland city of Liuchow (24.5N, 109W). By summer’s end the Chinese mechanics had reassembled Zero V-172, serial number 3372. During re-assembly it was found that the fuselage panels aft of the cowling had been lost on Zero 3372 during its trip north. Therefore, the Chinese mechanics had fashioned substitute panels with uncharacteristic louvered vents as a replacement for the original panels. Meanwhile, in July of 1942, another Mitsubishi A6M2 type Zero carrier fighter had been recovered from its crash site in the Aleutians by the United States Navy. It was during this time, according to one unconfirmed account, that Maj. Gen. Nathan F. Twining, then Director of war Organization and Movement, went to China on a liaison mission to the fledgling China Air Task Force organization in the theatre. While there, so the story goes, Twining was shown the remains of the captured Zero and he appraised General Claire L. Chennault of this fact.
In October, Neumann, while standing outside a hanger in Kunming, was approached by Holloway, the 76th Fighter Squadron C.O. Holloway said, “Herman, the Old Man wants to see you right away!” Neumann related his meeting with Chennault: “‘Neumann,’ said the General, ‘we’ve got hold of a pretty good Zero captured by Chinese farmers on the Japanese-occupied beach opposite Hainan
… Here is a marked-up chart where the wrecks are located. How about trying to put one Zero together, to test fly it against our own planes?’”


‘有人告诉我中国的农民,尤其是在中国的那一部分,没有报纸阅读。因此他们不能十分肯定这些就是敌人。当他们查明真相后,在中国士兵还没赶到之前,他们居然就已将其中的一架给破坏掉了。而另一架(V-172) 则被小心的拆装后运到了山里隐藏。我不知道他们在搬运的过程中是否用了牛车或苦力车’

他们花了好几个月时间才将这两架缴获的‘零’战在日本军队的眼皮底下从雷州海岸运到了内陆城市柳州(24.5N, 109W)( Phalanx注:可能是原文的笔误。应为东经109度,即109E。而不是西经109度,109W 。否则柳州就跑到美国加利福尼亚湾去了。)。到( Phalanx注:1942年)夏季结束的时候,中国的机械师们将机体制.造番号为 ‘3372’,编号 ‘V-172’的‘零’战从新组装了起来。在组装过程中,工作人员发现‘3372’号‘零’战引擎罩后部的前机身蒙皮在北上的途中给丢失了。因此中国的机械师们制作了一个有着非典型百叶窗式散热口的蒙皮来替代原来的蒙皮。在此期间的1942年7月,另一架三菱A6M2‘零’式舰战被美国海军从她在阿留申岛的坠机现场回收。正是在这个时候,根据一个未经证实的纪录,当时的战争组织与机动主任(?)Nathan F. Twining少将来到中国以完成与在该战区刚刚成立的中国空军特遣部队的联络任务。当到了那里时,据说,Twining参观了被俘获的‘零’战残骸并就这一点评价了陈纳德将军。

10月的一天,第76战斗机中队指挥官Holloway走向正站在昆明机场的一个机库外面的Neumann并告诉他‘Herman( Phalanx注:不知是不是原文的笔误,将Neumann写成了Herman。coolhand更正:Neumann是德国人,战前作为德国援助中国的人员派到中国。珍珠港事件时他正好在香港,险些被当作德国侨民关起来。因为他有一手修车的好技术,泛美航空公司的代表写了封证明信将他送到昆明。结果他在昆明继续修车修出了名气,被飞虎队招去当机械师,后来为了解决他的身份问题题,陈纳德给他开后门火线入美籍,加入美军。战后依然传奇不断,当了J79发动机的总负责人,一路升至通用副总裁。言归正传,此人在飞虎队时的外号叫德国佬Herman,所以文中的称呼没错。),老头子现在就要见你!’ Neumann叙述了当时与陈纳德见面时的情景:将军说:‘Neumann,我们搞到了一架状况非常不错的‘零’战,是中国农民在海南对面日本占领区的沙滩上俘获的…….这是一张标有残骸现在所在地的图表。你能不能试着装配好一架完整的‘零战’以便与我们自己的飞机进行飞行测试?’

Alison corroborated:

“I didn’t know Neumann at the time, and I really didn’t know that we had the Zero until Chennault called me. He said, ‘We have this Zero, and I want you to go down there and pick it up and fly it up to Kweilin (Kueilin).’ He sent a message, and I said, ‘I can’t read Japanese.’ He said something to the effect, ‘You don’t need to. There is a sergeant down there who is smarter than you are, and he will tell you how to fly the airplane.’”

Subsequently, Neumann with Staff Sgt. George L. Mackie flew to Kweilin and proceeded south by train to Liuchow. A war correspondent from Yank magazine, Bill Barnes, and a War Department photographer, “Mac” McGregor accompanied him. Neumann set about repairing it and making it flyable. During one interview, Neumann remembered that there was no radio equipment installed in Zero 3372 at the time he first examined it, although it was equipped with an antenna. He also recalled that when he first saw Zero 3372 it had already been repainted in Chinese camouflage and markings.


在那时我还并不认识Neumann,同时直到陈纳德给我打电话之前我也不知道我们已获得了一架‘零’战。 在电话里他说:‘我们有了一架‘零’战,我想让你去那里把她接收并将她飞回桂林。’他已通知了那里,可是我告诉他‘我看不懂日语啊。’他回答我的大概意思是‘你不需要看懂日语。那里有个比你还聪明的中士,他会告诉你该如何驾驶那架飞机的。’

随后Neumann与空军参谋军士George L. Mackie一起乘飞机飞往桂林接着坐火车往南来到柳州。陪同他们一道的是Yank杂志社的一名战地记者Bill Barnes与一名美国陆军部的摄影师“Mac” McGregor。达到目的地后,Neumann便着手开始修复那架‘零’战,使她可以再飞起来。在一次采访中,Neumann记起了当他第一次检查那架3372 号‘零’战时发现她虽然配有一根天线但并没有安装任何无线电器材。他同时回忆当他第一次看见3372 号‘零’战时,她已被从新涂上了中国的迷彩与标志。

Neumann further stated:

“The Zero had been put together by the Chinese and I began to check up on it and made certain changes of adjustment of (engine timing) and other slight repairs. After one week of testing and running the engine for hours, we called up Colonel Alison to come down and take the plane back to Kweilin.”

Neumann also adapted and installed American radio equipment for communications.
In another 1990 interview, Neumann recalled a poignant moment during his repair work on the Zero. He had just removed a cover on one of the wing gun ammunition bays. Within the bay, Neumann found a woman’s, Japanese-style, decorative hair comb. He retained this touching souvenir with the thought that it might have belonged to the pilot’s wife or sweetheart. Alison, who at the time was the 75th Fighter Squadron C.O., arrived at Liuchow. He became the first American to fly Zero 3372, which by now had been marked with Chinese insignia and the Chinese serial, P-5016, on the tail. After a cockpit check by Neumann, Alison flew the short and uneventful hop to Kweilin with the landing gear in the down and locked position. After the arrival of the Zero at Kweilin,

Neumann said:

“I was asked to see if I could make the wheels work and make another checkup after the first flight. Just previous we’d shot down a few bombers in Kweilin, so from these I took some hydraulic lines and fluid, and original spark plugs, and put them in the Zero. We tested the wheels on the ground a few times everything worked fine in the presence of the Commanding Officers. It took off, the wheels came up, but didn’t lock when lowered and the plane cracked up; the fuselage was twisted. The pilot Colonel Alison was unhurt.”

Neumann 还说:



在另一次1990年的采访中,Neumann回忆起了他在对那架‘零’战进行维修工作时的一个令人感动的时刻。他刚刚将一个机翼航炮彈藥舱的舱门卸下。 在彈藥舱中Neumann找到了一个日本款式,非常有装饰性的女式头发梳。他将这个动人的纪念品保留了下来。他认为这把梳子有可能是属于飞行员的妻子或恋人的。当时任第75战斗机中队指挥官的Alison抵达柳州。他成为了第一个驾驶3372号‘零’战的美国人。此时的这架‘零’战已被涂上了国军标志并且在垂尾上涂上了中国的序列号P-5016。在Neumann检查完驾驶舱后,Alison便将飞机开会了桂林。在这一次短暂而又平静的飞行中,飞机的起落架被放在打开并且锁定的位置。当这架‘零’战到达桂林后,Neumann说到:


After long hours and days of once again rebuilding Zero 3372, alias P-5016, it was ready for more test flights. During this period, no less than five American aces with the 23rd Fighter Group test flew the Zero and formed a very exclusive group they called, “The Zero Club.” The sole members of “The Zero Club” were John R. “Johnny” Alison, six victories; Albert J. “Ajax” Baumler, nine victories; Bruce K. Holloway, thirteen victories, Grant Mahony, five victories; and Clinton D. “Casey” Vincent, six victories. Soon the time drew short for Zero 3372’s stay in China. In early 1943 the Zero was flown to Karachi, India from Kunming with an escort flight of 23rd Fighter Group Curtiss P-40K Warhawks. One by one, all the Warhawks aborted their escort mission and Zero 3372 arrived in Karachi alone! There, Neumann supervised the crating of the Zero and it was placed aboard a ship bound for the United States as a war prize and for further testing.

经过几天的长时间对3372,化名P-5016号‘零’战的再一次重新组建后,她再一次可以进行飞行测试了。 这期间有不下5名第23战斗机大队的美国王牌飞行员对她进行了试飞。他们还成立了一个独家俱乐部叫做‘The Zero Club(零战俱乐部)’。该俱乐部的成员是拥有6架战果的John R. “Johnny” Alison ,拥有9架战果的Albert J. “Ajax” Baumler,拥有13架战果的Bruce K. Holloway,拥有5架战果的Grant Mahony和拥有6架战果的Clinton D. “Casey” Vincent。3372号‘零’ 战在中国的逗留时间很快就要结束了。1943年初,这架‘零’战在第23战斗机大队的Curtiss P-40K ‘战鹰’的护航下从昆明飞往印度的卡拉奇( Phalanx注:今在巴基斯坦境内。)。在途中,一个接一个的,所有的P-40K都中止它们的护航任务。( Phalanx注:各种故障原因。)最后3372号‘零’战是孤身一人来到的卡拉奇。在卡拉奇Neumann监督着对这架‘零’战的装箱工作。她被当作战利品并且为了进一步测试的目的被放在了一艘驶往美国的船上。

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