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发表于 2009-12-11 07:28:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

As the hometown of water on the plateau, the Old Town of Lijiang is a city of ancient elegance and delicacy and place with natural, ethnic and local beauty. The First Gulf of the Yangtze River is picturesque. The Yuquan Garden is fascinating. In additions, tens of thousands of camellias come out, which are regarded as the Best Branch in Mount Yuling and the Best Tree in the World. All the attractions above make up a gorgeous painting of nature. Two mountains, one city, one lake, one river, one culture and one flavor mainly symbolize the resources for tourism there.

三亚汇集了阳光、海水、沙滩、气候、森林、动物、温泉、岩洞、田园、风情10 大风景资源和丰富的历史文化资源,是中国热带海滨风景旅游资源密集的地区。在南山佛教文化旅游区,有以生态和佛教文化为主题的雕塑精品;在天涯海角游览区,有伴着不息涛声的历史名人雕塑群;鹿回头山顶公园那栩栩如生的人物雕塑,在诉说 ” 鹿回头”美丽的爱情故事;亚龙湾中心广场,一座荣获了国家建筑 ” 鲁班奖” 的现代园林广场及雕塑群,将把您带回久远的历史。一切的一切让您目不暇接。
Sunshine, sea, beaches, climate, forests, animals, spa, caves, nature and historic culture make up a famous coastal tourist city —-Sanya. There are many nice statues with the themes of Buddhism culture and ecology in Nanshan Temple . At the border of heaven and the end of the sea , there are famous historic people’s statues, with the sounds of waves never stopping. The wonderful figures’ statues in the Luhuitou mountaintop park, seem to be talking about the romantic love story of ‘Luhuitou’. There is a modern square which has got the nationa l prize named ‘Luban Prize’, just like a garden in the Yalong Bay center square. It seems to bring you back to long long ago. Everything in Sanya is so wonderful that you would miss something in a short journey.

Mount Huangshan
Together with the Yellow River, the Yangtze River and the Great Wall, Mt. Huangshan has become one of the great symbols of China. It is well-known for strange pines, absurd stones, sea of clouds and hot springs all over the world. It is the only scenic spot of mountains among the Ten Famous Scenic Spots in China. As the representative of Chinese mountains, Mount Huangshan has collected all the magnificence of famous mountains in China. As an ancient saying goes, you won’t want to visit any other mountain after seeing Wu Yue but you won’t wish to see even Wu Yue after returning from Mount Huangshan. (Wu yue is the collective name given to China’s most important mountains, namely Mt. Taishan in Shandong Province, Mt. Huashan in Shaanxi Province, Mt. Hengshan in Shanxi Province, Mt. Songshan in Henan Province and Mt. Hengshan in Hunan Province.) Also, Mount Huangshan is considered as a natural zoo and global botanical garden. With its beauty and uniqueness, Mount Huangshan is welcoming visitors from every corner of the world.

人们说,如果世界上真有仙境,那肯定就是九寨沟。这是一个佳景荟萃、神奇莫测的旷世胜地;是一个不见纤尘、自然纯净的 “童话世界 ” 。”黄山归来不看山,九寨沟归来不看水 “,水是九寨沟的精灵,湖、泉、瀑、滩连缀一体,飞动与静谧结合,刚烈与温柔相济,不愧为 “中华水景之王” 。
As people said, if there would be  a fairyland, it must be JiuZhaigou, a enchanted wonderland and a pure world in nature. As the old saying goes , “All mountains become nothing after you coming back from The Yellow Mountain (Huangshan); And all water becomes nothing after you coming back from JiuZhaigou.”Water is the spirit of Jiuzhaigou. The fragments fell down the mountain to form beautiful lakes, streams and waterfalls which get together with the beach. Just like moving and rest, hardness and softness, all things get together in perfect. What the ancient legend of China!

素有山水甲天下的桂林,是我们祖国的一颗璀璨明珠,她以奇特的喀斯特地貌成为举世闻名的旅游胜地。” 山青、水秀、洞奇、石美 “的旖旎风光,” 山峰环野立,一水抱城流 “、” 水绕青山山绕水、山浮绿水水浮山”的迷人景色,使得古今中外无数骚人墨客为之叹服、为之动情。
Guilin is the most beautiful tourist attraction in China, just like a diamond sparkling in the sky. She became a very famous tourist city because of her spacial Karst peaks . Green hills, wonderful water, queer caves and beautiful stones in Guilin are so attractive that hundr eds of poets who were from all over the world couldn’t help being inspired.

鼓浪屿原名”圆沙州”,又名”圆州仔”,明朝时改称”鼓浪屿”. 它位于福建省厦门市西南,与厦门隔海相望,仅1000米之遥。因岛上有一中空巨石,波浪拍打,其声如鼓,故名”鼓浪屿”。鼓浪屿虽有街区闹市,却无车马之喧,这里空气清新,环境幽静,整个小岛,一年四季草木葱郁,鲜花竞放,故有”海上花园”之称。
Gulangyu Island is located just southwest of Xiamen City, Fujian Province. During the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), the island was called ‘Yuanshazhou Island’. It got its present name from The surrounding huge reef. When the tide comes in, the waves pound the reef and it sounds like the beating of a drum. The island came to be named ‘Gulang’. Gu in Chinese means ‘drum’, and Lang, ‘waves’. The island of Gulangyu is a pedestrian only destination, where the only vehicles on the islands are several fire trucks and passenger transport vehicles. Breathing the clean air, appreciating the ever-present green trees and lovely flowers, anyone here can feel like they are in heaven. So it is also known as “Garden On the Sea”.

The Great Wall
The Great Wall of China,is one of the greatest wonders in the world. Just like a gigantic dragon, it winds up and down across deserts, grasslands, mountains and plateaus, stretching approximately 6,700 kilometers (4,163 miles ) from east to west of China. The masterpiece contributed to the wisdom and efforts of ancient Chinese people. It is also the symbol of Chinese ancient culture and the pride of Chinese nation.

Zhang Jia Jie Mountain
Zhang Jia Jie Mountain, one of the most fantastic places in China, is famous for its marvelous natural scenes.It presents a unique landscape of high mountains, grotesque peaks, beautiful waters, deep gorges, marvelous caves and exuberant forest. No wonder Li Bai had left: “Resignation to nirvana, to the Wulingyuan.” It also has such reputationfor “Maze of nature” and “natural museum, Earth monuments “.

Surrounded by the spacious square, sky and clouds, Potala appears to be clean and pure. Embraced by the sunshine, Potala stands on the highest point of the world with certain pride. With its seriousness and glory, the Tibetan people takes Potala as the Saint Palace in their hearts.

West Lake
No doubt, the West Lake is the essence of Hangzhou. The West Lake is not only famous for its exquisite beauty, but also for its history. Numerous poems and legends seemed to come from it.
A thousand years’ histories has made the West Lake to be an elegant lady. When we walk by the bank and look at the water in the West Lake, it is so wonderful that we can’t help reading some lyric poems
发表于 2009-12-11 13:25:23 | 显示全部楼层
Among all those places of interest, I have ever been to the last one. I long to visit the others. [em17]
发表于 2009-12-11 13:39:52 | 显示全部楼层
I've only been to Guilin, Zhang Jia jie, and the Great Wall. I wish I could go to some other places next year.
发表于 2010-3-29 12:08:43 | 显示全部楼层
I've only been to Gulangyu.I'd like to go to some other places of interest if I have enough money and energy in the coming year.{:4_214:}
发表于 2010-7-7 20:31:11 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-11-23 16:04:43 | 显示全部楼层
ding~chinese is very beautiful
发表于 2011-2-23 12:36:11 | 显示全部楼层
Wow,so many great places!I wish I could go to some of these beautiful places!
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